Body skin care solution formulated with 2% artichoke extract.
Promotes microcirculation and decreases the visible effects of cellulite.
- Artichoke Extract
Body product. Apply on the area to be treated, giving a light massage until product complete absorption. Suitable for use in apparatology techniques.
Improves microcirculation and decreases the visible effects of cellulitis.
Helps reduce adipose tissue. Stimulates the lymph drainage system reducing the retention of fluids built up in the tissues and reducing bloating and swelling. Prevents skin aging caused by free radicals
Professional use. Apply 5ml of the solution. Treat with a session every 7 days for 5-8 sessions, Repeat as required and follow with maintenance.
Often combined with actives such as L-Carnitine, Silanol, Melilotus & Rutin or Caffeine.
Gutes, thighs, abdomen, flanks, arms and double chin.